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Identifying the style for Featured Post images

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  • #25422

    Hello Support,

    When displaying Featured Post widgets on Business Page Sidebar, images are aligned left respective to title text. I’d like to have them centered to the text, but cannot identify the style I need to overwrite in my Custom CSS (I’m definitely NOT a CSS expert :-)).

    I’ve tried different combinations of .attachment-gallery, .wp-post-image, img and a, but to no avail… 🙁

    Can you please help finding the right method to identify the style which apply to the different elements I could have to modify? Is there any tool I could use, i.e. to point the mouse over an element and have a tooltip displaying “img a .class1 .class2” ?

    By the way, is there any list of short codes too?

    Thanks in advance for your help!


    Hi Jeanlucgarnier,

    To centralize the icon in the Featured Post widgets on Business Page Sidebar Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:

    .widget_service {
    text-align: center;
    .service-item .service-icon {
    margin: 0 auto 10px;

    And to have a tooltip displaying image it needs code customization you have to hire developer for this.

    Thank you for using our theme.


    Hi Support,

    Finally found out that `a img.attachment-gallery.wp-post-image
    display: block;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    }` works fine!

    Your CSS modification just doesn’t change anything, so maybe your modification applies to some other block…

    By the way, I don’t need to display images in any tooltip! 🙂 What I’m looking for is some kind of browser extension (FF) that would help finding the exact class for objects in HTML page: I would point my mouse to an image and the tool would display “item: a img.attachment-gallery.wp-post-image”.
    I thought Firebug just does this but to no avail…

    Thanks for your help.


    That’s great jeanlucgarnier

    Thank you!

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