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Image caption not showing

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  • #73851

    The image caption in the post is not showing even though I put data for the photo in the caption.

    I also put this in the css in customizer but it did not work

    .wp-caption {
    display: block;

    This is the link
    The image is last in the post.


    Hmm I have to enter it in the editor. The caption in the image attachment is not showing.

    How can I get it to show for older images in the site where I have the caption in the image attachment. I do not want to go and change it for all old articles!


    Hi @arochford,

    we have checked to figure out the issue but it’s working. You can add the Image Caption through the Page editor, Image Block or through the Caption Input Field while Uploading the Image.



    Hi there,

    Adding caption by editing the media images as editor or adding it via image attachment is the same field, you can add it via both option and both are the same field to add the caption into your images. There are no two caption fields for media images which works as different purposes.

    Thank you!

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