I have tried everything to increase the size of my header title. I added a plugin, tried CSS. I can NOT get the header size higher than the themes 42 px.
@Alicia Yes you can use it for multiple sites. You need not need to buy again and again.
Your site is not loading. We can not reply to your queries that which header title “Grown Woman” to make larger, and to bolder the headings in the right sidebar.
I resolved my domain name issue, and now need to address my original question.
I’d like the header title to be larger, and to bolden the headings in the right sidebar.
The Header is Culture and Convo. Its at the max 42 px, but not large enough.
To larger the site title and bolden the headings in the right sidebar Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:
This worked. Thanks so much for your help. One more question: I’m interested in using two different in the header. The title is Culture and Convo. I’d like “Culture” to be in a different font than “and Convo”. Any suggestions?