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just changing the color of the slider control elements (The litle points)

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  • #45719

    Hey folks,

    how do i change just the color of the slider control elements, those little dots at the bottom of the slider.
    If i change it via customize -> theme options and color options other elements of my website get changed aswell, i do not wish that.

    Thanks for your help and keep up the great work!

    best regards



    Hi Chriswieser,

    Yes you can change the color of the controllers only for that just go to Appearance -> Customize/Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save button:

    #controllers a {
        border-color: #63c6ae;
    #controllers a:hover, #controllers {
        background-color: #63c6ae;
        color: #63c6ae;

    Please change above HEX color code #63c6ae to your own HEX color code.

    Thank you!


    Hey thanks a lot for your quick reply,

    unfortunately it didn’t work :/

    best regards c


    Hi Chriswieser,

    Can you please provide us the site URL? So that we can see the exact issue.

    Thank you!

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