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link from Image Slider

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  • #42102

    Could you tell me how make a link from the image slider in the _self window.not target _blank.


    Hi Akira,

    You mean to open it on same window right? So you don’t need to add target _self to open on same window. You can remove it target="_blank" so that it will open on same window/ browser.

    The file is inside theme folder -> inc -> structure -> header-extension.php on line no 410 to 416 you will find this code

    if (!empty($image_description)) {
    							$ambition_image_slider_display .= '<div class="featured-content">'.$image_description.'</div><!-- .featured-content -->';
    							$ambition_image_slider_display 	.= '<a title='.'"'.esc_attr($link_text). '"'. ' '.'href="'.esc_url($redirect_link).'"'.' class="call-to-action active" target = "_blank">'.esc_attr($link_text).'</a>';
    								$ambition_image_slider_display 	.= '<a title="'.esc_attr($secondary_text).'"' .' href="'.esc_url($secondary_url). '"'. 'class="call-to-action" target="_blank">'.esc_attr($secondary_text). '</a>';

    replace above and add below code

    if (!empty($image_description)) {
    							$ambition_image_slider_display .= '<div class="featured-content">'.$image_description.'</div><!-- .featured-content -->';
    							$ambition_image_slider_display 	.= '<a title='.'"'.esc_attr($link_text). '"'. ' '.'href="'.esc_url($redirect_link).'"'.' class="call-to-action active">'.esc_attr($link_text).'</a>';
    								$ambition_image_slider_display 	.= '<a title="'.esc_attr($secondary_text).'"' .' href="'.esc_url($secondary_url). '"'. 'class="call-to-action">'.esc_attr($secondary_text). '</a>';

    Note: If you make a direct change in code then updating to new version will loose all customization code. So each and every time while updating to new version you need to make same changes. So it would be better if you make a child theme and customize the code.

    Thank you!


    THANKS! I got it!


    Ok that’s great Akira

    Thank you!

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