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Making Responsive Menu scrollable

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  • #44496


    I have around 15 (sub)menu items in the main menu. On a mobile phone, they take the whole space and the background/the body/main site scrolls rather then the menu itself so one cannot choose/see the menu items on the bottom. How can I make the main menu scrollable when there are too many menu items?

    Thanks for info


    Hi Markus,

    Sorry for the late reply. We missed your topic.
    Could you please provide us the site URL? So that we can see the exact problem what you are trying to say?

    Thank you!



    thanks for getting back to me on this.

    the link:

    When you access it with an iPhone4 and some other Android devices, you can’t access the bottom menu items. The background (actual content) scrolls, but not the menu.


    Hi Markus,

    It seems that you have stick the menu at top while scrolling the page. So the issue occured. Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Ambition theme options -> Custom CSS paste the below CSS code and Click on Save & Publish button at the top of the options panel.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
       .hgroup-wrap {
           position: inherit;

    Thank you!


    brilliant! that did the trick.

    many thanks for the support!


    Could you also please help us rating this theme in WordPress Repository.
    We really appreciate your rating.

    Thank you!


    already did that a while ago! its really a neat looking theme


    Thank you so much Markus

    Thank you!

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