Good morning, in our team widget is there a way to put html code inside description (it would be very useful for example the mailto link)?
Apart 4 pictures for row, what change I have to make in custom css, to have 3 pictures in a row?
Thank you for your support.
Hi Gianluca,
we have sanitised the value. So that it will escape all the html tags and we have done sanitised to prevent our theme from hacking so each and every data is sanitised before updating in to the database.
We are sorry that you can’t make the 3 pictures in a row. We have designed our theme this way. It needs code customisation.
Thank you for your answers, I don’t understand the sanitisation, for example, in a normal page, I can insert html, the permission to insert html in description is allowd only by the administrator of the website.
For the 3 row I tried to change the margin in css of the class .one-fourth, but the result is not like I expect, I’ll try check php code in template.
Thank you for the support
Hi Gianluca,
The sanitisation is for the security purpose. If you need customisation then you can customise the code, the file is inside theme folder -> inc -> widgets ->interface_widgests.php
You may change the code from here but first of all make the child theme and then only customise the code. So that while updating to our new version you will be safe from data lost.