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Page titles


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  • #24491

    I need some help to remove the page titles <h3 class=”page-title”>………</h3> ref.: On the other hand my front-page is just perfect it has only <h1 class=”entry-title”> …………….</h1>.

    How can I remove the above or convert the <h3 class=”page-title”> to the <h1 class=entry-title”> like my front page ref.: .

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.



    Hi Petar,
    This feature is not available in our theme. It needs code customization. The file is inside theme folder -> inc -> structure -> content-extension.php

    Before making any changes first of all create the child theme then only customize the code so that your customize code will not lost while updating to our new version.

    Thank you


    I tried this option with the code customization, too difficult for me. Actually, I found on the same forum this route:

    Apperance –> Theme Options –> Design Options Tab –> Custom CSS
    and then:

    If you can to hide only in home page
    .home #content .entry-title { display: none; }

    If you want to hide in every page
    .page #content .entry-title { display: none; }

    However, this didn’t work for me. If you have any idea how can I hide or remove the page titles and put entry titles/ headers like in my home page easy way this will be great.



    Hi Peter,

    I don’t think that there is an another way. Changing the header tag with Custom Css is not possible so you need to hire a developer to fix it.

    Thank you!

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