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Problem with Header Logo

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  • #10890


    when I go to

    Design > Theme Options > Design Options > Custom Header

    and I set show “Header Logo Only” instead of Text which is standard in this template, then menu goes upwards. This doesn’t look well because it is asymetrical!

    I have a screenshot of the problem on my dropbox, here is the link:

    How can I change this to the solution I want? The Custom Header Logo (only the logo which is left on the top) should be on the same height as the menu buttons …

    Thanks a lot!



    Its due to the size of your image. At the top of image there is white space so you saw the image below the menu. You may use dashboard-> apperance=> header
    from here you can change the image at the top and put image.
    Please send the site url too
    Thank you


    I have placed the logo now with a height of 70px and the menu is now nearly vertical centered. But now the logo is too small, looks bad!

    your suggestion, using header function (dashboard-> apperance=> header) , is also not a good solution because than there is the image above the menu, which also looks bad.

    Is it possible to make a change in the code or something like that? Do you have any solution fpr this problem?

    Unfortunately, I cannot send you the URL because I am creating it offline by using xampp. If you need more detailed information, please tell me.



    Hi Alex,

    You need to crop the logo image then upload and check. If you are still need help then please upload your all file to the server and provide us your temporary username and password we will set for you what you would like to.

    Thank you!


    For all the others … the support team did good work! Gave them a user and they fied it 🙂 .. here is the link to my hompepage, if someone is interested


    hi Firma,

    It seems that our support team had already replied via email and next time please post question in forum. Please donot use email for support related question.

    Thank you have a great day!

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