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Remove slider from blog page – keep on homepage

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  • #4024

    Hello, After googling, i’ve seen several people ask this question, but i have yet to see a response that solves the issue. How do you remove the slider from the “blog” page, but keep it on the home page?

    i’d be grateful for any assistance, i’ve wasted about 6 hours trying to solve this issue today.

    Sanjip Shah

    @bmorejamie Please try in the solution in this link And see if it workds for you.



    Thank you, I really appreciate your help.

    This does work but, while it does prevent the slider from displaying on the blog, it’s not really a great method – it still loads the slider and all of the images, it just doesn’t display them.

    Isn’t there a conditional tag or something i can add to the functions to prevent it from loading on the blog page? I am normally pretty comfortable digging around and editing the code, but this theme uses a lot of hooks and extensions that are a little over my head, and i just can’t seem to find the function that is loading the slider. The only reference i see to the slider is in “header-extensions.php”, but i can’t figure out what is calling the slider on the blog page from from that.

    Is there any way you could point me in the right direction?

    Again, i really appreciate your help.

    Sanjip Shah

    @bmorejamie I think you have set the blog/post page from Settings->Reading. If yes then first select empty (no page) for that option and click on ‘Save Changes’. After you do that, you can follow this instruction to set the blog page and this will not show the slider. Hope this helps.

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