Hi embruna,
To remove the three … line from slider please add below custom css
.featured-text .featured-content {
display: none;
To remove the three … lines from recent work it needs a bit of code customization. Go to theme folder > inc -> widgets -> ambition-widgets.php on line no 763 to 770 you will find below code
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
if(strlen($excerpt) >130){
$excerpt_length = substr($excerpt, 0 , 130);
echo $excerpt_length . '...';
} else{
echo $excerpt;
}?><code>replace it with</code><?php the_excerpt(); ?>
The same customization is code should be made again while updating to new version because if you customize the code in the theme then while updating to new version all your customized code will be lost. So better make a child theme and make exactly same copy of parent theme widgets and customize the code to be safe from data/ customized code loss while updating to new version.
Also to modify the background title image go to dashboard -> appearance -> customize -> ambition theme options -> page title background image.
Thank you!