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Search BOX

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  • #52929

    Hi to all,
    first of all I would say that I’m VERY neewbie of WP site, so be patient with me and my (silly) question.
    So, I set my WP site of my real shop:
    It works fine on PC: on mobile, “search option” is not available.
    Could you help me? I red in other post that dimension could be 300px max, but I’m not able to set this.
    I open a CSS option and I found a widget search, but I’m not able to make a right modification .
    Thanks for support

    ps.: I don’t know if the person who built a first step of site made modifications on the default set. Unfortunately I’m not able to contact him


    Hi, if you are referring to the support I raised on search box, I was referring to the search box by Agoda. If I understood Sergio correctly, he is referring to the search function that came with the Ultimate theme. The search function is not available when viewed in mobile.


    Thanks for fast reply.
    As I undestand, search function in not available with ultimate theme (for mobile users).
    So, any suggestion?


    Hi Sergio, pardon me. I’m using the Ultimate free theme and the search function came with it since I started using it so I’m not sure if it has been made unavailable for later revision, which I do not think so. You mentioned in your email that you are using Ultimate pro version, maybe you want to email them for direct support?


    Hi all,

    Search function will disable in mobile version by default.
    To show it on mobile devices just add below custom css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    	.search-toggle {
    		display: block;
    		margin-top: 22px;
    		right: 40px;
    	#search-box {
    		right: 30px;
    		min-width: 203px;

    Thank you!

    Theme Horse


    Thanks for support!


    You welcome Sergio

    Thank You!


    Is the search box now necessary for website?


    Hi there,

    Mostly it’s better to have the search box however, it depends on what the site is about?

    Thank you!


    Hi Sergio,

    It sounds like you’re having an issue with the search option on your mobile site. One possible solution is to adjust the CSS to ensure the search option is visible. You can try adding the following code to your CSS:

    @media (max-width: 300px) {
      .widget_search {
        display: block;
        width: 100%;

    This should help make the search widget responsive on smaller screens.

    [Jia Arsal]


    Hi Jia Arsal,
    thanks to your suggestion: I opened this ticket on 2017 and solved some years ago. By the way thanks so much for your effort

    1-Tom Plumber

    how to check what users search on search box field



    To check what the users search on search box field you can use Google Analytics, WordPress Plugins and adding custom code.

    Thank you!

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