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Social Media Icons in Footer

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  • #39115

    How can I get the Social Media Icons in the footer similar to the bottom of this page?


    Hi Shane,

    Simply Go to Appearance -> Customize/ Theme Options -> Social Links. There you can add the social profiles link then Click on Save button:

    Thank you!


    Thanks for the response. Let me ask the question a different way.

    I know how to add the social links as you mentioned. I have entered the links and they show up at the top of my Attitude Pro page. They DO NOT, however, show up on the bottom of the page in the footer as presented in your Attitude Pro demo.

    How do I get them to show up in the footer?




    Hi Shane,

    Oh! Yes there is an issue in the new version. It may be the issue while moving the theme option settings to customizer.
    We will fixed this issue in next version update.

    Thank you for reporting the issue.


    Hi Shane,

    We have updated the theme fixing social profiles display issue in footer.
    Please login to our site with the same username that you have purchased the theme before then download the latest version.

    Thank you!


    Thanks Theme Horse!


    You Welcome Shane. 🙂
    Could you also please help us rating this theme in WordPress Repository.
    We really appreciate your rating.

    Thank you!

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