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Table Heading Titles – Reduce Font Size

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  • #50286

    I want to reduce the size of the Table Heading Titles, part of the “Services Item/ Featured Recent Work Item/ Our Team Name/ Table Heading Titles” in the Font Size section of the customisation section of Ambition Theme Options.
    I have tried many solutions, including inserting custom CSS code, but nothing seems to work. It seems that there is some code taking precedence. Can someone advise how I can resolve this.


    Hi Thoams,

    If you want to reduce the size of the Table Heading Titles individually go to Appearance > Customize > Ambition Theme Options > Custom CSS and paste the below CSS code then click on Save button.

    th {
        font-size: 25px !important;

    Reduce the above digit value 21 as your wish.

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