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Testimonial Plugin

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  • #8073

    Is there a way to disable the bundled Testimonial Plugin in Clean Retina Pro? I upgraded from the free version, and had a testimonial plugin set up and propagated and would prefer to use that.

    The new bundled plugin is causing a conflict and my old plugin isn’t showing any longer.

    Sanjip Shah

    @Shelly Actually, we have only bundled the rev slider plugin within the theme and not a Testimonial plugin. And it is just bundled there and not installed or activated at the beginning. So, it should not be a issue. Can you explain your issue more as I feel like it is not related to bundled plugin.


    Using the free version of Clean Retina, I had installed and used successfully the GC Testimonials plugin. When I upgraded to Clean Retina Pro, there are now 2 “Testimonial” tabs on the Dashboard, one empty, the other full of my current testimonials. I found a temporary work around by renaming my current testimonial page.

    Now when I post a new testimonial, after hitting “post”, I get a blank white page, but once I go back to the dashboard the new post is made…

    Sanjip Shah

    @Shelly If you want to remove the ‘Testimonials’ of the Clean Retina Pro Theme then open this file cleanretina-custom-post-types.php located in theme folder->library folder->admin folder. Find the following line
    register_post_type( 'testimonials', $args1 ); and replace with //register_post_type( 'testimonials', $args1 );. Hope this helps.

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