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Text color is light shade of grey, why ?

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  • #39639

    I am using this theme on my main site for many years now. But was always wondering what is the reason for having this lighter shade of gray for text? Just like this forum pages for example.

    As an example of (perhaps) correct text color I might think we can use Face Book. As far as I can see Face Book, text colour, for example for messages is rgb(20,24,35). That, I find very readable and pleasant.

    Theme Horse team seams to like somewhat lighter text color rgb(119,119,119). Which I find sometimes difficult to read or even irritating.


    Hi Dbj,

    You can also change the font color as well to change the font go to Appearance -> Customize/Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:

    body, input, textarea {
        color: #555;

    Note: You can change the above HEX color code #555 to your own HEX color code to change the font color.

    Thank you for using our theme.

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