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Text in the div main

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  • #54097

    I want to make the text up in the main div but only in the home page, when change page image, the text does not have to appear.



    Sorry! Can you please clarify it one more time.
    We could not understand what you are trying to say?

    Thank you!


    This is the home page, above I put the text. But when I click a link and change the page, the text remains on the other pages of the site. Text must only be on the home page.
    This text I put in the header.php file



    Hi Pierre,

    header.php will call in each and every page in WordPress. So the code will be run in each and every pages you have.

    You have to add some conditions on the exact line in header.php as describe below:

    if ( is_front_page() || is_home() ) {
    	//your code goes here.
    } ?>

    Please replace the text //your code goes here. to your own code.

    Thank you!




    Welcome @josephmontiel608 anytime. 🙂

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