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  • #23694

    Hi Burim,

    Yes it is possible simply edit the social-icons.png images, [email protected] and [email protected]. You can find this images in the images directory.

    Thank you!

    Theme Horse


    Thanks for your replay, but I can’t see any changes.
    I have replaced images in wp-content/themes/clean-retina-pro/images, with png image 32×32 size.


    Hi Burim,

    You have to edit three images:

    1. social-icons.png
    2. [email protected] and [email protected]

    Also replace you edited image with the same name as it was before.

    Thank you!


    Hi guys,

    How can I edit social-icons.png. Where can I find this png file with the appropriate order of icons.
    [email protected] and [email protected] are already replaced with the same name, but hover file is not the same format as yours.
    Please, if you can send me these three files, in order to be the same with your format.



    Hi Burim,

    You can find the social-icons.png inside the images folder.

    Thank you!


    Hi guys,

    I have tried all options, but without success.
    Even though, I have deleted all three png files, and the same result.
    So, I think, it is another solution, besides replacing these three images.

    Thank you!


    Hi Burim,

    The only one options is code customization. We recommended not to change the code because if you change the code then while updating to our new version all your customisation code will be lost. So better make child theme and first unhook the functions and the edit the code.

    Thank you!

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