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Unique page sidebar

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  • #8405

    I was wondering how I could have a sidebar that would be unique to my home page, blog page and contact page so I can have different widgets depending on which page is displayed instead of having the sidebar be the same for the whole site.

    Sanjip Shah

    @liebs29 Currently, there is no such feature in the theme. But I found a plugin that could be helpful This plugin helps to show/hide the widgets in different pages. Give it a try.


    Interesting. So this is not even available in the pro version? Here is the site that turned me onto your theme. You can see what he is doing. Do you suspect he’s using a plugin?

    Sanjip Shah

    @liebs29 The option to have sidebar uniques to different pages is not available in the pro version as well. Just visited the link that you provide and I see the home page is using one set of widgets and other all pages are using another set. I have no exact idea how the site may be doing that, the may be using a plugin or may be have customized the code. The site also uses the jetpack plugin, which also has this feature. So, the site may be using that as well.

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