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what is the order of page publication at business demo home service area?

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  • #4301

    hello geeks’
    i love the attitude theme a lot,now am ready to publish six pages,that i will use in the services widgets.
    if my pages where:
    1 Elegant Design
    2 search engine optimization
    3 social media branding
    4 connect to our blog
    5 Buy helpful wordpress books
    6 contact
    and i want them like the demo 1 2 3
    4 5 6
    in what order should the pages be published? i mean which page will i publish first? am a newbies and i dont want to delete and republish a page that i don”t like were it is sitting.

    Sanjip Shah

    @Emmykk The order will be same as you select the pages inside the service widget. The first page you select will come in first, second in second and so on. It has nothing to do with the publish date.


    hmmmmmmm thanks
    quick response.

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