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Width Setup and company logo

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  • #47640


    when I change the site-layout (Customizer->Layout options->Site layout) from wide to narrow the header and the footer will be narrow as well.

    The demo site seems different though. There the background colour of header and footer are still wide. This looks much better how can I accomplish this in the settings?

    But when I change the settings to wide everything is addepted, also the content.

    Also I wanted to add a logo left to the site title and tagline. How would this be possible? I see only an option Custom Header->Header Logo only or Text only. I think this is a quit common request?

    Thanks in advance.



    Hi Mark,

    In narrow layout whole the body will be wrapped inside a container. In demo its a wide layout. To change the color effect as displayed on demo. Go to dashboard -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Color Options and change color skin to Blue from dropdown.

    The content will be adapted in the wide layout too. It will not be user friendly if you set the content to 100% on desktop screen also you will not have a site title/ tagline and logo at the same time. You can add add a title and tag line on the logo image as well.

    Thank you


    I set up the wide layout and went also for the Blue Colour set, but still it doesn’t look like the demo site.

    I made a screenshot here.
    Content is also spread wide, but it should not.

    In the demo the background image from the header is still wide and the content below is narrow.


    Hi Mark,

    Where did you add your widgets? Add your widgets on business page section sidebar not on business page our client section sidebar. business page our client section is build only for featured image widget.

    Thank you



    thanks, the misconfiguration was indeed the wrong placement of the widgets.

    Can you tell if the latest theme version is compatible with WordPress 4.6.1?
    Will there be new releases in the future? As far as I understand the last update was about a year ago?



    Hi Mark,

    Yes our theme is compatible with latest version. May there will be a new update on near future. Currently we are busy on new projects. Thank you for your support.

    Thank you


    Width 1440px is too narrow for the Wide Layout. I had to go back and resize my images to 1666×500. Documentation reads
    13) Recommended Image Sizes
    This theme depends heavily on Featured Images per post. Read more about Featured Images.

    a. Slider Image size for Wide Layout

    Width: 1440px
    Height: 500px


    Hi chrish_61,
    To increase the image size you need code customization. Inside theme folder > functions.php on line no 153 find add_image_size( 'slider-wide', 1440, 500, true ); // used on Featured Slider on Homepage Header for wide layout
    and replace with
    add_image_size( 'slider-wide', 1666, 500, true ); // used on Featured Slider on Homepage Header for wide layout

    Install regenerate thumbnails and regenerate thumbnails once.
    We recommended you not to change the code but if you change the code then while updating to new version all your customized code will be lost. So better create a child theme and then customize the code.

    Thank you

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