I’m having a similar issue with the change of text size. I have changed the text size in the stylesheet as below but this has made no difference to the font size on my site
body, input, textarea {
color: #777;
font: 16px ‘PT Sans’, sans-serif;
line-height: 20px;
word-wrap: break-word;
I’ve used Chrome to inspect the element and it seems to be pulling font size and styles from the class given in the body tag:
body class=”page-template-default page page-id-1022 page-parent logged-in custom-background wide-layout”
But I cannot find the page-template-default element or php file or whatever it is to edit the font size there.
Presumably I’ve missed a step? I’ve not made any other customisations to the theme, and it’s a charitable organisation so we’re not able to pay for the Pro version with the easier tools for changing font size.