Forum Replies Created
MemberThe confusion is still not clear. Will I get free templates?
MemberHi Sunil,
I have added the following code in teh Custom Css
<div class=”back-to-top” style=”display: block;”>
Back to Top
</div>I have a doubt. As my pages are not lengthy and not much scrolling involved, can it be the reason for the Back-to-top button to disappear?
MemberHi Sunil,
I added the back-to-top image inside Images and added the above line of code in Custom CSS, but still no luck.
MemberI am sorry I could not get it completely.
Currently I have in my Dashboard->Appearance->Themes->
1. Attitude Pro Childs (active theme)
2. Attitude Pro (1.3 version)
3. Attitude Pro 1 (1.3 version, installed by your support theme)Please clear my confusion, I do not want to loose all the customization
MemberYes, I could fix the header menu, but not the footer menu. I would like to add the Site Map in the footer but stuck. Can you suggest some solution to it?
I too got the theme update message
“There is a new version of the Attitude Pro Childs theme available. You have version 1.0.0 installed. Update to version 1.3”I downloaded it from Available downloads and uploaded to the Attitude-Pro-Childs folder using cpanel overwriting the existing files.
Now in the Dashboard->Appearances->Themes when I checked it still shows the older version of the theme. I don’t know what am missing. Can you guide me pls.
MemberThank you so much for this useful info. I think I got it. Whichever part I want to change in parent, I should only code that part in child css.
Now should I create a fresh child theme to continue customization or can continue with the current one?Manoranjan
MemberThanks. Through coding I figured out how to add a navigation menu in header and footer.(Header menu and Footer menu). But the menus are vertical right now, what would be the css code to make them horizontal.
Can you kindly look into it
MemberI think you dint get me. I’m not telling about deleting the parent theme css.
You said I have coped double time css in child theme style.css ( @import url(….) and the whole of style.css from parent theme). So I asked you how can I delete the copied parent css part in child theme style.css.
Hope am clear.Another thing is, how can I make changes in child style.css if I do not have the complete code. (I understand the child theme style.css contains just few lines of child name, template name etc)
MemberAs the right side bar in Contact Us page is a widget, the color options I have chosen to match the widgets in the footer is not going well with the right side bar widget in Contact Us page. (Have a look Is there any way I can modify only this part without affecting the footer widgets.
MemberThe bullet points problem is solved now.
But how will I delete parent theme Css in child theme style.css, I have done so much of customization already. Will it cause any problems if I wont delete?Manoranjan
MemberThank you so much Sunil
MemberThank you so much. Though I can see (using ctrl+a and using the firebug tools in the panel) the widget elements color being set to White, I am unable to find the particular css line style.css. I know it is silly, but I have wasted so much time searching for that line of code that, no more patience left now.
Please help me out with this.
MemberI have done all these steps. Still the problem persists. Sending you the details. Pls look into it.