1) In entry-meta… : No comments … ore ‘number’ comments…
a) the word ‘comments’ should be : Akkoorden
b) the word ‘No’ should be: Geen (or the number 0)
2) in comments-section
a) the word ‘Reply’ should be: Terug Musiceren
b) the line ‘Geef een reactie (=Leave a reply)’ should be: Verras jij mij met jouw Akkoorden??
c) the word ‘Reactie’ should be: Jouw Akkoorden
d) the word ‘Reactie plaatsen’ (=Submit button)’ should be: Akkoorden Publiceren
And i have an additional request….
If possible i would very much like to see the word: musiceerde after the name of the person who submits a comment
I very often change the theme on my blog. And it has always been possible to make changes like i mention above… sadly nog in your theme…so i hope you can help me.
Thank you in advance.