Forum Replies Created
Sanjip Shah
Participant@DebiNJ In the dashboard, go to Appearance->Theme Options->Webmaster Tools Tab->Analytics. You can put the Google Analytics code in the ‘Code for Header part’ and click on ‘Save all Changes’.
Sanjip Shah
Participant@mcnutman In the header-extensions.php file, look for this function attitude_header_title. Inside this function, add the following code just above the else condition.
elseif( is_page() ) { $attitude_header_title = get_the_title(); }
Hope this helps and also use a child theme for this customization so that you won’t lose the changes when you update the parent theme.
Sanjip Shah
Participant@yflyjump To add the border around the slider (it looks that you are using the rev slider), you could go to Revolution Slider menu. Click on the ‘Slider’ you created. You will see lot of settings on right like ‘General Settings’, ‘Position’, ‘Appearance’ etc. Click on ‘Apperance’. Choose the border color there and also set the padding(border) to any number say 5. Then, click on the update slider button.
About your first question, can you clarify it more? Are you wanting border around the whole wrapper?Sanjip Shah
Participant@yflyjump You could do two things. First one is: It looks that you are using the rev slider with the help of shortcode and putting it in content of the home page. Instead you could remove that shortcode from content of the home page. Then in the dashboard, go to Appearance->Theme Options->Slider Options Tab-> Slider Options bar. Enable the slider and check on the ‘Revolution Slider’ option. Then just below you will see the Revolution Slider Options bar. Select the rev slider that your created, check on ‘Display on home page’ option. Then click on ‘Save all Changes’. This is a better a way to do it.
Other one is: You could use custom css option to remove the extra white space above the slider. In the dashboard, go to Appearance->Theme Options->Design Options Tab->Custom CSS. Paste the following css and click on ‘Save all Changes’.
.home #main { padding-top: 0px; }
Hope this helps. And about the search in our forum, we will be adding it soon.
July 31, 2013 at 7:54 am in reply to: How to add a secondary menu to Attitude Pro WordPress theme? #2901Sanjip Shah
Participant@jnasevich Only the template files like header.php, index.php, archive.php etc created in the child theme will replace the same file of the parent theme. But creating the functional files like header-extensions.php with same same path in the child theme will not overwrite the parent function. There is other way for this. To learn about how the functions of parent theme are unhooked from an action hook and how a function from child theme is added to action hook you can visit this link Below is an example of how its done. Put this code in the functions.php file of the child theme.
add_action( ‘init’, ‘attitude_remove_parent_function’ );/** * Removes parent function attached to hook */ function attitude_remove_parent_function(){ remove_action( ‘attitude_header’, ‘attitude_headerdetails’, 10 ); } add_action( ‘attitude_header’, ‘attitude_child_headerdetails’, 10 ); /** * Add your custom function */ function attitude_child_headerdetails() { // Copy all the content inside the attitude_headerdetails function of parent theme, paste here and make necessary changes here. }
Hope this helps you.
Sanjip Shah
Participant@kenpire You can use the custom css to remove the grey part. In the dashboard, go to Appearance->Theme Options->Design Options Tab->Custom CSS. Paste the following css and click on ‘Save all Changes’.
.service-item .service-icon { background-color: none; }
Hope this helps you.