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Theme Horse Support Team

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 2,821 through 2,835 (of 3,469 total)
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  • in reply to: Input field size being ignored #28554

    Yes you have to edit that CSS code to set the size of a form input field and textarea.
    Please edit it via Custom CSS option so that your CSS code will not be lost each and every time you update the theme.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Menu not showing up on mobile #28553

    Hi krishnanand,

    Please try deactivating plugin one by one. May some plugin conflict the menu script.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Slider Content #28550

    Hi Brian,

    To remove the slider content login to your WP dashboard and go to the Appearance > Customize > Ambition Theme Option > Custom CSS then paste the following CSS code and Click on Save & Publish button.

    .featured-text .featured-content {
        display: none;

    We have spend lots of time and efforts to develop this theme available free/premium for all.
    Could you also please help us rating this theme in WordPress Repository.
    We really appreciate your rating.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Footer menu #28549

    Hi Jeremy,

    Login to you WP dashboard and go to the Appearance > Customize > Ambition Theme Option > Custom CSS then paste the following CSS code and Click on Save & Publish button.

    #colophon .widget_nav_menu {
        text-align: center;
    #colophon .widget_nav_menu li {
        display: inline;
        float: none;

    Also please edit or customize the CSS code via Custom CSS option as above OR do create child theme to customize the main CSS code.
    If you edit the main CSS code directly in style.css file then you will lost your edited code after you update the theme and you will have to edit it again and again each and every time you update the theme.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Slider height #28547

    Hi Jeremy,

    Sorry! Jeremy we are not misleading it we have used in the demos are purely for demonstration purposes, and are used to give the visitor a functional preview of what the theme will look like once content has been added. By the way we have attached it in previous version of the theme but according to policy Revolution Slider Plugin has been removed because of non GPL code.
    Also the another main reason to remove it was that our customer are having difficulty to have a good support and auto update feature for the plugin.

    Anyways it seems that you have set the Slider Revolution Plugin in your site.
    To make the image stick first go to the main slide settings and set the background image for the individual slide and set the background fit option to cover and background position option to center center as shown in this screenshot.

    Also if you have purchased the Slider Revolution you will now get dedicated support from main author here and also you will get auto update feature too.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: The new update of attitude pro 2.0 theme zip file dosnt work… #28545

    Hi Rob,

    After downloading the .zip file you have to manually update your theme below are the instruction to update the theme:
    First deactivate the old version of Attitude Pro theme and activate any theme and delete Attitude Pro theme from your WordPress Theme directory. (Note: make sure that you have not customize the code. If you have customized the code then your customize code will be lost. So, Please back-up you old version before deleting it)
    After deleting the old version now upload a new version of Attitude Pro theme and activate it.

    If you are still get problem to update the theme please let us know.

    Thank you !

    in reply to: Attitude 3.0 #28544

    Hi Debbie2up,

    In version 3.0 we have moved most of the theme options setting from Appearance > Theme Options to Appearance > Customize where you can now customize or modify appearance settings in a live Preview.

    Sorry! Our theme is of subscription type and there is no automatic update features but yes we will let know our user via email.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Menu displayed twice #28543

    Hi Jaapstra,

    Could you please share your site URL addressing the exact issue? So that we can see the exact issue.
    We can not understand what you are trying to say?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Cannot Click Submenu #28542

    Hi Mrzusho,

    It seems that you have used some bootstrap plugin and it is overwriting some CSS code in the main style.css file of the theme what you do is just login to your admin site and Go to Appearance -> Theme Options OR Customize -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:

    #access a {
        box-sizing: content-box;

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Wrap text around Images #28541

    Hi Lemonpath,

    In which page you want to wrap the text around the image.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: social buttons in services widget #28540

    Hi Livia,

    Did you use any plugins to display that social network buttons in you post/page?
    If yes please deactivate that plugin then you will not see social network buttons.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: demo data #28491

    Sure @zara_0 you can send via Email.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: After update Revolution Slider no longer works #28460

    Thank you for providing us you login detail.
    We have forwarded your issue to the support team they will reply you via email.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: How to apply H1 to the header of a post or page? #28459

    Hi SMW,

    Please view our sample page where you can see only one H1 tag assigned for page title and not for site-title.
    Also you can view our blog page where you can see H2 tag is assigned for blog post title because we can not assigned H1 tags for all the post title as you know it and there is also only one H1 tag assigned and click on any post and you will be go to the post single page there is also only one H1 tag which is assigned for the main post title.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Bussinss page – TH: Featured Page: content issues #28457

    Hi Jeremy,

    If you do not want Home Title and the Read More button then why you have select the Feature Page widget in the business page section.
    The widget that you have to select is Text widget just drag Text widget into the business page section instead of Featured Page widget and you will not see the Home title as well as Read More button and get the paragraph automatically when you press the return/enter Key but please consider adding your content inside the Text widget box as below code format also you can see the screenshot here

    <div class="container">
        1st paragraph content goes here 
        2nd paragraph content goes here

    Thank you!

Viewing 15 posts - 2,821 through 2,835 (of 3,469 total)