Forum Replies Created
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Phyllis,
Oh! Remove the previous css code and Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button to remove the tag and category for your blog page.
.blog-medium, .blog-medium footer.tag-links { display: none; }
Thank you!
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Kai,
Sorry menu is working fine in smartphones. You can check our theme demo in your same smartphone. We have found below css code which is overriding the main css file. Remove it and it will be fine.
#access ul li ul { position: absolute; background-color: rgba(58, 176, 219, 0.9); top: 50px; left: 0; width: 250px; }
Thank you!
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Phyllis,
To remove tag from the blog page Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:
.blog-medium footer.entry-meta { display: none; }
Thank you!
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Wgac,
To have a bullets in the text widget Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:
.widget_text ul, .widget_text ol { margin: 0 0 20px 30px; } .widget_text ul { list-style-type: disc; } .widget_text ol { list-style-type: decimal; }
Thank you!
January 27, 2015 at 6:57 am in reply to: Reducing gap under the menu bar + caption under pictures #21211Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Charlotte,
Ok thene Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:
#access { margin-bottom: 20px; }
Note: Decrease/Increase the above digit value 20 to your own needs.
Thank you!
January 26, 2015 at 5:42 pm in reply to: Reducing gap under the menu bar + caption under pictures #21188Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Charlotte,
To reduce the gap between menu bar and the first post Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:
#main { padding-top: 30px; }
And to add the caption for the images in your post follow this instruction
Thank you.
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi c.gelep,
This feature is only available in the pro version of Interface Pro. You can change each and every color as well as font family and size too. Anyways we will provide you a Custom CSS to change hover/active color. Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:
#access a:hover, #access ul li.current-menu-item a, #access ul li.current_page_ancestor a, #access ul li.current-menu-ancestor a, #access ul li.current_page_item a, #access ul li:hover > a, #access ul li ul li a:hover, #access ul li ul li:hover > a, #access ul li.current-menu-item ul li a:hover { color: #63c6ae; }
Note: Change above HEX color code #63c6ae to your own HEX color code.
Thank you!
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Steve,
If you can not download the theme then it means you have cancel the subscription before downloading the theme file.
Please contact to our sales team at [email protected] with your order number they will fix your account status.Thank you!
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Julien,
Clarify what you are trying to say? May we have understand different then you are asking?
Thank you!
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHI Corinna,
If Disable title plugin helps then you can use it. Otherwise you have to customize the code. You have to hire a developer.
Thank you!
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterGreat 🙂
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Gassho,
So we will not update it then. Use enter twice in visual composing text option to make more spaces.
Thank you!
Theme HorseTheme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Greg,
To reducing the white space above the main jpeg and the area just below the menu Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:
.home #main { padding-top: 0; } .home img.alignright { margin-bottom: 0; }
Thank you!
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi gassho,
It’s a simple HTML tags. Learn more about
tags and<br>
tags here. you!
Theme Horse Support Team
KeymasterHi Gassho,
We apologize that we missed it to update. Actually we will list out all the things that we are going to update but we missed your point.
Now if we update the theme with the css that we have provided 2 days before then yes you have to manually delete all extra<p>
tag from all the old posts. By the way you do not have to edit all your post you just have to remove the extra emptytag in the blockquote from your post. Also you have used the empty
tag for the spaces in the blockquote instead of<br>
tag.Thank you!