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ParticipantIndeed nice and easy – but I didn’t want to modify the parent theme because all this is lost (i.e. must be rebuilt) after a parent theme update.
Would have been nice if Theme Horse had wrapped the footer functions right away like they did it in other files already. But that would then be one point less on the advantages of the paid version…Wolf
ParticipantSounds really tempting, but like the OP I was not able to get it working. But as my only concern was the footer I found a solution which I described here.
October 8, 2014 at 12:19 pm in reply to: Getting rid of Theme by: Theme Horse Powered by: WordPress #17243Wolf
ParticipantHere is what I did after I failed in overruling the inc/structure/footer-extensions.php with my child theme (for whatever reason):
(1) Copy footer.php and footer-extensions.php to child theme folder
(2) Edit footer.php line 42ff.: require or include (doesn’t really matter) the extensions and rename the action:
<footer id="colophon" class="clearfix"> <?php require('footer-extensions.php'); do_action( 'interface-child_footer' ); ?> </footer>
(3) Edit footer-extensions.php: rename all functions (to avoid “cannot redeclare” errors), make your adjustments and adjust all add_action statements to the new action name from above (‘interface-child_footer’) – my footer-extensions.php looks like this now (for sure some bits could be deleted and finetuned, but this seems to work for the time being):
<?php /** * Adds footer structures. * * @package Theme Horse * @subpackage Interface * @since Interface 1.0 * @license GPL v2.0 (or later) * @link */ /****************************************************************************************/ global $interface_theme_setting_value; $options = $interface_theme_setting_value; add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_footer_widget_area', 5 ); /** * Displays the footer widgets */ function interface_child_footer_widget_area() { get_sidebar( 'footer' ); } /****************************************************************************************/ if ((1 != $options['disable_bottom']) && (!empty($options['social_phone'] ) || !empty($options['social_email'] ) || !empty($options['social_location']))) { add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_footer_infoblog', 10 ); /** * Opens the footer infobox */ /****************************************************************************************/ add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_footer_div_close', 15 ); /** * Close the previous div. */ function interface_child_footer_div_close() { echo '</div> <!-- .container --> </div> <!-- .info-bar -->'; } } /****************************************************************************************/ add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_open_sitegenerator_div', 20 ); /** * Opens the site generator div. */ function interface_child_open_sitegenerator_div() { echo ' <div id="site-generator"> <div class="container clearfix">'; } /****************************************************************************************/ add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_socialnetworks', 25 ); /****************************************************************************************/ add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_footer_info', 30 ); /** * function to show the footer info, copyright information */ function interface_child_footer_info() { $output = '<div class="copyright">'.__( 'Copyright ©', 'interface' ).' '.'[the-year] [site-link]'.'<br>'.__( 'Theme by:', 'interface' ).' '.'[th-link]'.'</div><!-- .copyright -->'; echo do_shortcode( $output ); } /****************************************************************************************/ add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_close_sitegenerator_div', 35 ); /** * Close the sitegenerator div. */ function interface_child_close_sitegenerator_div() { echo '</div><!-- .container --> </div><!-- #site-generator -->'; } /****************************************************************************************/ add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_backtotop_html', 40 ); /** * Shows the back to top icon to go to top. */ function interface_child_backtotop_html() { echo '<div class="back-to-top"><a href="#branding">'.__( ' ', 'interface' ).'</a></div>'; } ?>
October 7, 2014 at 9:44 pm in reply to: Getting rid of Theme by: Theme Horse Powered by: WordPress #17220Wolf
ParticipantIn any case it would be nice to keep a link to Theme Horse somewhere on the page – just as a small sign of gratitude for the free theme 😉
just sayin’Wolf
ParticipantThx for asking, the slider works like a charm (and as expected) in the child theme.
ParticipantAFAIK this is not possible (and not foreseen in the child theme concept).
I simply copied the relevant function blocks into my child theme’s functions.php and modified them according to my needs. Works for me – YMMV
However, I did not succeed in modifying the “Copyright…” line in the footer with that method (just in case you’re aiming at that one).Wolf
ParticipantOK, got the idea. But I have no clue how to realize that with Interface, I fear this would need quite a bit of coding (if at all possible).
ParticipantWell, to my big surprise the slider somehow started sliding all over sudden. Even worse: I am not aware of having done anything… Except maybe a few times switching back and forth from static to dynamic homepage in the attempt to get an idea of the root cause.
ParticipantYou could try to add some Custom CSS, something like
.hgroup-right { float: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }
Just from the top of my head, haven’t tested it….
Participantad 1: easiest would be to open style.css and replace all occurrences of #63c6ae by the hex color code of your choice. But this will not survive the next theme update so I’d highly recommend creating a child theme and doing the changes in there (your favorite search engine will help you finding lots of information and tutorials on this subject).
Alternatively you could use the Custom CSS section in Theme Options – Design Options and override the default color for selected elements like e.g. `.slogan-wrap { background-color: #DD0000; }
.page-title-wrap { background-color: #DD0000; }`
Or you go for the Pro version where color selection is included…ad 2: I am not sure I got the question right – would you like to have a 2-column layout for your blog posts?