1. Link for the page of my blog: http://camino-en.zbyszeks.pl/2017/04/09/camino-2015-pictures-day-004-skaryszew/
2. Screenshot using theme 2014: https://photos.app.goo.gl/hxiM4WJ1FZL3wnFW7
–> screen after going down: https://photos.app.goo.gl/V7DT1Awz52KPUBD99
3. Screenshot using your theme: https://photos.app.goo.gl/tyeVgifzhVe6Fr1u7
4. This is a link to plugin I used to display galleries of pictures: https://pl.wordpress.org/plugins/photonic/
In 2014 theme there are pictures from the album below it’s description and some icon. In your theme pictures are missing.